Hello world!

Hello world!  Many of my favorite characters are critters. On the page or on the screen, they are scene stealers. Realistic, anthropomorphic, or purely fantastical, they add flavor to whatever fiction they inhabit.

When I write, there’s usually an animal, or several, each with their own personality, among my characters, and I like seeing how other writers do this too. One of my main intentions with this blog is to share some of my fictional animal friends with you, and to consider the craft of how these critter characters are depicted.

My examples will come from all age groups–from picture books, through easy readers, middle grade, young adult, and adult books. Likewise, they will cover a variety of genres, including contemporary, historical, mystery, romance, comedy, fantasy, and science fiction.

However, oh deer, please bear with me, I shall not pussy-foot around about this–there will be a delay till future posts. This one is a place holder as I switch to a new computer setup. When that is in place, I am planning to give Critters, Characters, and Craft a proper launch.